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Local Auto Shop in Manchester, NH

Brutus Auto is a full-service auto shop serving Manchester, NH and surrounding areas. We aim to keep your vehicle running smoothly and safely with our wide range of top-quality repairs and maintenance. We are in the heart of town, giving customers convenient services when commuting to and from work. Since our founding, we’ve maintained integrity and honesty in each service provided. We comprise highly trained and exceptionally skilled mechanics and technicians equipped with the latest technology and repair techniques. We’ve proudly met our customers’ needs for over 20 years and can restore any car, truck, or other motor vehicle.

From routine maintenance to repair all your automotive needs are taken care of here at Brutus Auto Repair & Service. Servicing the greater Manchester area since 2000 now 25 years of service for the cars and trucks in and around our city and neighboring towns. We have a team of ASE certified technicians to handle complex computerized machines that are today’s automobiles.  We are proud to earn the trust of our local public servants such as the fire department, police department, many judges, lawyers and all types of local business owners and employees, who have frequently had their cars maintained here over the past 25 years. With some of the best reviews and multiple customer reviews of their many great experiences on google we have been striving for the best shop experience available today. We offer no credit financing, many other money saving deals on routine maintenance and repairs. Please call us for an appointment today to experience that 5 star service so many others have felt here at Brutus Auto Repair & Service! (603)624-8881

someone pulling dipstick for oil

We Perform Comprehensive Auto Services

We’re our customers’ primary choice for the following auto services:

  • Car Maintenance: We inspect and tune up your car’s systems, including fluids, heating and A/C, tires, lighting, signals, plugging, wires, and belts.
  • Diagnostics: We run tests and diagnose all vehicle issues using cutting-edge code readers, OBD scanners, tire pressure gauges, and reporting.
  • Alignment Services: We restore balance to your driving experience through tire alignment. Our alignment will prevent wobbling and give you complete control over your steering wheel.
  • State Inspections: We are licensed and authorized to inspect any make, model, and brand to determine if they meet state laws, rules, and regulations.

The Most Reliable Auto Pros in the Area

Since our founding, we’ve strived to perform top-notch work for our customers in the downtown area. We partner with our customers, guiding them through their service choices so they can make the best decisions within their budget. As seasoned professionals, we understand how critical your vehicle’s condition is to your livelihood. When your car starts making odd noises or producing strange odors, or you’ve lost control over your driving, we’ll get you back on the road fast. We provide customers with free, honest estimates with a detailed overview of their services. You can trust us to remain dedicated to your vehicle.

Schedule an Inspection Today