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Restore Your Wheel Rims in Manchester, NH

Brutus Auto provides comprehensive inspections, repairs, and maintenance for wheel rims in Manchester, NH and surrounding areas. We are a local and full-service auto repair shop specializing in aluminum and alloy rims. Replacing these crucial components can cost you thousands. Our repair services will have your rims looking, feeling, and functioning like new for much less money than a replacement. Our team will get to the root of your issue, finding the precise reason for your rim trouble and devising a solution for fixing it right the first time. You can rely on us for enhanced, beautiful rims.

When we say we are a full service shop doing maintenance and repair it doesn’t stop with tires here we are set up to do wheel (rim) repairs. Got a dent in the wheel causing a vibration or losing air? We use state of the art wheel machines to straighten the rim back to factory round. Having wheels true round can mean better ride quality, better fuel mileage, less wear and tear on tires and suspension components. We also can repair cracks in the rim as well. With years of experience let us look at the rim for you and test them to make sure they are true (round). Call us to set an appointment today for wheel (rim) care. Let us handle any of your wheel (rim) needs. Here at Brutus Auto Repair & Service we are not just tire and wheel experts but experts in all your cars maintenance and service needs book an appointment with us today! (603)624-8881

Don’t Forget Your New Tires in Manchester, NH


We here at Brutus Auto Repair & Service are your local tire experts with decades of experience in tires combined we will service any of your tire needs. Tire light popping on don’t be alarmed we can check the pressures as a courtesy any time. Scanning tire pressure sensors or just adding air when the light pops on swing in and let us help get that remedied while you wait no appointment necessary. Need new tires we can help there too! We handle all makes and models, we use state of the art tire balancing machines, tire mounting and dismounting machines, and alignments done with our laser alignment machine built and maintained by Hunter the premier alignment name in our business. Tire needs a repair we do a fully certified repair as taught by TIA (Tire Industry Association) the leader in tire repair and replacements. Snow tires need seasonal swaps we do that too! Whether they are already mounted on rims or need to be swapped on the rims you use every day. We don’t just specialize in tires we are a full maintenance repair facility with years upon years of tire experience to handle all your needs in one building saving you time and money! Book a free tire inspection today with Brutus Auto Repair & Service! (603)624-8881

man inspecting wheel rim

Why Rim Repairs Are Better Than Replacements

If you want to replace your car rims, we encourage you to reconsider. Repairs offer many advantages over replacements, including the following:

  • Cost-Effective Services: Generally, getting your rims repaired is much cheaper than having them replaced. Our team can restore their original appearance and function and save you more money.
  • Resale Value: Rim repair is a convenient, efficient way to restore your rim’s appearance and performance. When it comes time to sell, your rims will look how they did when you first bought your car.
  • Smoother Driving: Repairs eliminate bents, dents, and cracks, providing you with a safer and seamless driving experience.

Manchester, NH’s Premier
Wheel Specialists

Unfortunately, damaging your rims is easy to do. The most common ways rims get bent, cracked, or broken are by hitting curbs and potholes and getting into fender benders. If your rim is damaged, you’ll likely notice low tire pressure or feel your vehicle vibrate when driving. Your tires may also begin wobbling. The team at Brutus Auto Repair & Service has over 20 years of experience making rims good as new. We’ve built and maintained a strong reputation amongst our clients for exceptional customer service and auto repair. You can depend on us for straight, worry-free driving.

Schedule an Inspection Today