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Comprehensive Oil Change Services in Manchester, NH

If you want to ensure the safety and performance of your vehicle, Brutus Auto is here for you. We are a full-service repair and service shop providing expert oil change services in downtown Manchester, NH. Founded in 2000, our team comprises skilled mechanics passionate about vehicle care. We pride ourselves on delivering high-quality and dependable service for every customer. Our goal is to keep your engine running smoothly and efficiently, exceeding our customers’ expectations with each oil change service.

When it comes time to change your oil here at Brutus Auto Repair and Service we offer multiple programs for Oil Changes. We have our frequent flyer program and when enrolled our customers get free tire rotations with every oil change service as well as every 4th oil change no charge. Every Oil change here comes with a free multi point vehicle inspection that is a health report card, to help maintain your car and plan out your maintenance needs ahead of time. This service is designed to reduce those pesky surprises. We offer a passionate ASE certified staff ready to perform a quality oil change service on your car while you wait. Call today to book your next oil change service with us at Brutus Auto Repair Service! (603).624.8881


Quick and Affordable Oil Change Services

At Brutus Auto, we offer fast and affordable oil changes in Manchester, NH, and the surrounding areas, including Bedford, Goffstown, Hooksett, and Londonderry. Regular oil changes are essential for maintaining your vehicle’s performance and extending its lifespan. Our skilled technicians use high-quality oil and filters to ensure your engine runs smoothly and efficiently.

Why Regular Oil Changes are Important

Regular oil changes provide several benefits, including:

  • Engine Protection: Fresh oil lubricates engine parts, reducing wear and tear.
  • Improved Performance: Clean oil helps your engine run more efficiently.
  • Better Fuel Efficiency: Proper lubrication reduces engine friction, leading to better gas mileage.
  • Extended Engine Life: Regular oil changes prevent sludge buildup and keep your engine in top condition.
  • Heat Reduction: Fresh oil helps to dissipate heat, preventing engine overheating.

What to Expect During an Oil Change

When you bring your vehicle to Brutus Auto for an oil change, you can expect:

  • High-quality oil and filter replacement
  • Inspection of the oil filter, air filter, and other essential components
  • Fluid level checks and top-offs
  • Tire pressure check
  • Visual inspection of belts and hoses
  • Comprehensive safety check

Convenient Location and Hours

Located in downtown Manchester, NH, Brutus Auto is easily accessible for residents of Bedford, Goffstown, Hooksett, and Londonderry. Our convenient hours make it easy for you to get an oil change without disrupting your busy schedule. Drop your car off in the morning and pick it up after work, ready to hit the road with confidence.

Schedule an Inspection Today